maango's blog

I Want You to Forget This

Dear Reader, If you find yourself reading these words, I have a favor to ask you: please forget them. The act of reading and forgetting is one of the most natural, it’s a cycle I yearn to be part of. How many words of Shakespeare’s have you forgotten? Mark Twain? Edgar Allen Poe? Your favorite author? If you read and forget my words I will, in some small way, join the pantheon of all the greatest writers you have ever given your attention to. I’ll join the worst and most average writers too, but this may be the one thing all writers have in common. Most words are destined to be forgotten. Even the ones which have lived on for centuries have been forgotten countless times. These words you’re reading certainly will not live forever. These words will soon slip into obscurity and be forgotten by everyone (including me). I’m not afraid of that. That is the fate I want most for these words. I won’t keep you much longer, I don’t want to give you too much to forget, but please let these words slip from your mind at your earliest convenience. I hope one day you won’t think of me at all, and you’ll smile all the same.